Monday, June 11, 2012

The One Where I Jump Up On The Bed And All Hell Breaks Loose…

So, if you are all my Friends, we can get to the horrible detail.  Yes, I had a moment of weakness, and jumped on Mom’s bed.  With muddy paws.  Fully expected to catch a beating, after all, that is the point of the blog – getting beaten and complaining to my adoring public.  But no.  She shrieked, then said nothing.  I think it’s worse disappointing Mom than actually making her mad…

Anyways, I’ve been trying to make up for it by leaving food (in case she wants any), and hanging around when they sleep (in case there’s any problem), but nothing…let me just rest my eyes for a minute…

Intruder Alert…..Intruder Alert

I don’t know if I’m going Berzerk, or if I’m just in a Frenzy, but it seems like lately my life is a series of waves of vaguely similar situations, with incrementally more demands on me, until I get chased to some relative safety to catch my breath until the whole series starts again…

Chicken…..Fight Like A Robot  Evil Otto, Berzerk - evilotto.gif

Oh – I must be wait, that’s the Wisconsin election cycle – with Evil Otto Barrett and his minions of whiny followers calling a do-over of the election just a couple of years ago.  Note to self, it’s shameless enough to LEAVE rather than do the job you were elected to do, but if you actually try to recall someone because you disagree with them, representative government is over.  Go Scott Walker – if not for (only) for his cause, then for the fact that it reinforces the fact that elections should matter, and that a loud minority can’t just cry until they get their way…

Oh well, speaking of babies…

I’ve been waking up and seeing KIDS in the house lately – school is out…  the good news is that John will be able to walk to Middle School from the new digs, the bad news (from his perspective) is that he’ll be able to walk with Thomas – who just graduated from elementary school J.

I think they’re starting to get the hang of Texas, they walked around the driveway without me leading them by a leash.  They put the new/old basketball thingy back together (much cursing, looking to the heavens for parts, and trying to find assembly instructions on the interwebs) – and they finally got there, too.  Stupid humans, give them arms and look what they do, try to bounce a ball into a hole above their heads.  If I could hold a pencil, I could solve all the world’s problems…  As it is, back to chasing squirrels…

…or lizards – they are small and fast and wiry – haven’t caught one yet, but I know I almost pulled the old man’s arm out of its socket trying to get to one…heh, heh…  He had it coming from the day he tried to get the shelter guys to not let them adopt me…I may be a dog, but I can carry a grudge…  What happened the last time you help up the Yoshi doll to tease me??  Where’d you get bit???  That’s right…THAT’S where J  don’t forget it… now get me some chips or something…


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